Cover the tiny holes of the sieve with some cabbage leaves and place the dim sums on top. (If you don’t have a steamer, boil water in a sauce pan and place a stainless steel sieve or colander over it. Keep the steamer covered during steaming. Once all the dim sums are shaped, steam them on medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes.Now shape the dim sum by squeezing the sides of dough disc. Take about a tablespoon of the chicken filling and place the filling in the center of the disc. Make sure the casing is thin, else it will not cook thoroughly and will not let the chicken cook evenly. Roll it into a thin round disc of about 2 inches diameter and about ¼ centimeter thick. Take small ball of dough of about 1 inch diameter.

Tip out the dough on a flat surface and knead it again. Season with soy sauce, salt and black pepper to taste. Add chicken mince, chopped carrots, chopped leeks, minced garlic and chopped green onion in a large bowl and mix them together with a light hand.

Stir fried noodles is one of my favorite food which is closely followed by my all-time favorite chicken biryani! I still remember my cravings for Chinese noodles from the Chinese take-away counters during my school days and the tantrums I used to throw to convince my mom.

This also reminds me that I do have a stir fried noodles recipe lined up for publishing! Coincidentally, it has become Chinese food marathon in my blog and I don’t mind it at all! And to close this round up, I will be sharing my best ever stir fried noodles recipe up next!Īnd sharing this appetizer recipe of chicken dim sum today fits everything perfectly in places!

We do love Chinese food (especially me!) and I make it quite frequently at home. I just realized that my previous recipe, Kung Pao Chicken, was also from Chinese cuisine, but this sequence was pure coincidence. You can even make a live steaming station and gather a group of friends to make it a fun ‘ filling‘ task and steam your own Chinese chicken dim sum! This way it will become extremely quick on your D day and you won’t need to spend the entire time inside the kitchen. Next day just fill ‘em up and steam! If you are planning it for a special day, you can prepare the dim sum filling and also the dough a day before. Don’t get scared this recipe of chicken dim sum is very user friendly and customizable. Save this chicken dim sum recipe for special occasions and everyone will talk about it! You will become a rock-star overnight! Look how beautiful these babies are, aren’t they?!Īnd trust me, they are equally delish too, if not more! Chicken dim sums are one of those specialties which require a bit effort in preparing but extremely rewarding at the end. You may even save it for that special date night in! Chicken dim sum, the classic Chinese delicacy, is an uniquely special dish to enjoy on special occasions with friends and family.